
Chances, Chances

A chance not taken is like,
A sneeze that won't come out,
An itch that you can't find,
A poop that's stuck at the exit.

A breeze that never cools,
A bong that never boils,
Acoustics that never sound right.

A video you watched but can never find again,
A song you heard but can't Shazam in time.

A chance not taken is like,
Food that's a bit overseasoned,
Dessert that came out hotter than it should,
Noodles that are slightly overcooked.

A chance not taken sticks to your mind,
More than gum sticks under tables,
More than hot glue sticks to your hands,
More than blue tac sticks to walls.

A chance not taken leaves you wondering,
What could have been,
What should have been,
But never what it actually is.

So maybe it's all okay in the end,
Or you missed the opportunity of a lifetime.